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Freelance Projects

Looking to earn extra income using your hard-won technical skills? - Earn from online projects. Be a part of 1 billion Online Outsourcing Industry!

Online marketplace is a place where you locate and bid on projects and questions in different categories from around the world ! It matches up talented professionals from around the world with businesses that need services on a freelance basis.

You might be a talented programmer or other service provider looking for work or just a way to make some extra money. Either way, you've come to the right place. Online marketplace works much like an auction. The Buyer sets up a project and our Service providers bid on the projects. The Buyer picks the Service provider and the projects begins.

After the customer accepts your bid, you create the program or answer the question. When you’re finished, you are awarded the bid amount.

You can get Online projects in various area, like, Web site Design, Web Programming, Internet Marketing, Logo Design, graphic design, etc and more in other categories.

Online marketplace company handle all the money collecting so you can concentrate on what you're best at...your project. By the time you've begun work, the buyer's money has already been placed into an escrow account, freeing you from the problem of getting 'stiffed'. To pay for this service, Online marketplace company charges freelancers a share of freelancer's Fee on the profit from work and questions. So if you don't find marketplace companies don't get paid.

Here are some typical things you can do to get more bid acceptances:

1. Resume
2. A sample of your portfolio.
3. List of your areas of expertise and certifications.
4. A personal photograph.

You can find projects in given major categories :

1. Web site Design / Web site Marketing
2. Programming / Software / Database Development
3. Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia
4. Networking / Hardware / Telephone Systems
5. Engineering / CAD / Architecture
6. Illustration / Cartooning / Painting / Sculpting
7. Writing / Editing / Translation
8. Broadcasting
9. Fashion / Interior / Landscape / Set Design
10.Business Consulting
11.Finance and Accounting
12.Admin Support (Legal, Medical, & Accounting)

If you have expertise in any field, online marketplace can do wonders for you.
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This is your guide to authentic and legitimate online jobs, work from home jobs, part time jobs| no catch | no gimmick | no scam | no membership | no registration | real and genuine ones | no fees, No Initial payments ..... All Free
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